Tuesday 6 March 2012

Sunshine Award

Now there's a pretty thing!
Thank you, Tosh (OK, Patsy) for this.
Apparently I'm sposed to tell you some random things
about myself and then hand the Sunshine Award on to
somebody else.  Tosh wrote about FeelGood factors and, as most of me is fairly random anyway, I'll just write you a short rhyme about small things that make me feel good:

A sneeze in the morning
An owl in the night
A rainbow by moonshine
A merlin in flight.
Laughter and silliness,
Talking with friends,
Well-written novels with
tidied-up ends.
Views of the wild Moor,
stags in the gorse,
Rides up the Beacon
on Dear Hoss - of course!

Actually, on a good day, just about anything makes me feel good - and even on a bad day, a smile from a stranger or a robin landing on the gatepost or even just the sight of dew on a spider's web can make the day better.

The trick seems to be: you have to want to feel good. 

Look for the good in everything and somewhere you'll find it. Sometimes putting on your glasses can help, however.

And now for The Clever Bit - can I follow Tosh's instructions on how to pass this Award on to three amigos of mine - ShirleyBaggy and Gail.  Shirley's the Proper Poet among my friends, Baggy is the Article Writer (and Daily Blogger) and Gail is Doing A Degree and doesn't get much time to blog at all these days. She once passed an Award on to me but I didn't think I deserved it so I didn't take it ... and anyway I didn't know how to make it appear AND it was on my original - now obsolete BlogThoughtsFromAbroad. Its demise is a long story ... to do with hacking and losing accounts and other IT sadnesses which Did Not Make Me Feel Good.

But being positive - now I've got THIS blog instead.  Must use it more (Moor) often or it'll be going rusty.


  1. Don't think I've ever met anyone more suited to this award!

    And how did you get that picture on your blog? Who helped you...?

  2. Thank you, Baggy.
    I had written instructions from Someone Who Knows How To Do these things, in the person of Toshlompl, better known to the world as Patsy Collins
    Now go get your own Sunshine Award. I'll be along later to make sure you've done it right.

  3. Yay, Celia you did it! (Ahem ... not that I ever doubted you)

    I lurve your poem!


  4. What a lovely poem. It makes me happy just to read it!
