Wednesday 27 July 2011

Make hay while the sun shines

Last night we got the hay in from the Little Field with a final count of 179 bales.  The Big Field next door but one yielded nearly a thousand.  I've told Hoss he can have breakfast in a net every day from December 1st and he gave me one of his Looks that said: "Sissy, those nets. I'll take mine on the ground, like every other self-respecting Welshman"

"If you remember, (see BlogthoughtsFromAbroad) The West Wind spread your breakfast all over the hedge last year and you had to spend half the day picking it off again."

"On the ground, please. My rump is big enough to act as a wind-shield this time."

I looked at it.  He has a point there.  He looked at my rump and gave me another Look. This one said: "That could act as a wind-shield, too."

And since he had a pole down in the Open Jumping last weekend and blamed it on the weight he was expected to hump over all those fences, I think he might have a point there, too.

So I'm going on a diet.

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